disclaimer Scars and Roses.
1. Nature of the Work: Our sessions and services explore power, desire, surrender, and embodiment within the context of BDSM and conscious kink. This practice is not intended as traditional therapy or medical treatment. The work is experiential and somatic, designed to support personal growth, empowerment, and deeper understanding of oneself, including the exploration of trauma and the reclamation of agency.
2. Personal Responsibility: Participants are responsible for their own well-being and safety throughout the experience. While every effort is made to create a safe and supportive environment, Scars and Roses cannot guarantee specific outcomes. All participants must engage with an open mind and body and be willing to take responsibility for their choices and boundaries during the sessions.
3. Boundaries and Consent: Consent is fundamental to the work at Scars and Roses. All interactions, whether verbal or physical, will only occur with explicit, informed, and enthusiastic consent from all involved parties. Participants are encouraged to communicate their limits, preferences, and needs clearly. Boundaries will be respected at all times, and participants are encouraged to voice concerns or discomfort at any point.
4. No Substitution for Professional Therapy: Scars and Roses does not provide clinical therapy or medical services. While our approach can support personal exploration and body awareness, it is not a replacement for psychotherapy, counseling, or medical care. The work conducted through Scars and Roses is not to be interpreted as mental health treatment. I am not, nor am I representative of, mental health professionals, licensed medical practitioners, doctors, therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, or other professionally licensed health care providers. The company and its services should not be held liable for any direct or indirect damages arising from the use of the materials or participation in workshops and sessions.
5. Confidentiality and Privacy: Your privacy and confidentiality are respected at all times. Any personal information shared within sessions is treated with the utmost care and is not shared without explicit consent, unless required by law.
6. Safety Practices: All activities carried out in the sessions adhere to safe, sane, and consensual principles. We encourage you to voice any concerns before and during the session to ensure safety. Additionally, participants should be aware of their physical limits and communicate any discomfort immediately.
7. Copyright and Intellectual Property: All content found on the Scars and Roses website, including text, images, videos, and other materials, are the intellectual property of Scars&Roses and are protected by copyright laws. Reproduction, distribution, or unauthorized use of the content is prohibited without prior written consent. Participants may not use any of the materials for commercial purposes or distribute them without express permission.
8. Liability Disclaimer: Scars and Roses makes every effort to provide valuable and informative content, but cannot guarantee that all information on the website or in our sessions is correct, accurate, or complete. The company is not liable for any direct or indirect damages, including but not limited to physical, emotional, or psychological harm, arising from the use of any materials on the website, participation in workshops, or engagement in sessions. Furthermore, Scars and Roses cannot be held responsible for the content or availability of external links to other websites.
9. Acknowledgement and Acceptance: By engaging with Scars&Roses and participating in any of our services, you acknowledge that you understand the nature of this work, the importance of consent, and your personal responsibility for your involvement. You agree to hold Scars and Roses harmless for any outcomes resulting from the work, whether physical, emotional, or psychological.